Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tips for Free Projects by Kellie

Sure, people say they can get a bargain on something.  But what is a bargain?  Instead of $200 someone pays $175.  OK, not bad as a percentage.  But, that's not a bargain for Two Mom's & A Truck!

We like to get things for free.  So, how do we do it?  Here is a list of tips...

-Do you have an Environmental Center?  We live N of Dallas TX.  About 6 months ago we discovered our Environmental Center.  At first we used it to drop off old electronic equipment for recycling.  Then we discovered they take paint and other hazardous items, check them and put them in an area for people to take.  It was worth checking out.  WOW!!!!  Half full can's of spray paint.  Or full cans of house paint.  Or weed killer, or any number of other things.  They also give away large bags of mulch once-a-month.  It is amazing what a city has to offer if you ask and investigate.

-Craigs List.  They have a free section.  Again, this is for someone who has time.  Check it a few times a day when you have 5-10 minutes.  My personal rule is I have a good chance of getting something that was posted within the last 10-15 minutes.   You would be amazed at what you can find.  As a test I took one room in our house and furnished it completely with free items.  If you are diligent you can get one to two items a week.  It doesn't take long before you have quite a few items to refinish. Personally I have at least 6 projects I need to work on.  As I work on them I get back on Craigs List and look for more items.  Take a look at a few of my current projects.

The top one is an antique library table.  The top is ruined, but wait till I show you what I'm going to do with it!  It will be a future blog post.

This is a TV cabinet.  There was nothing wrong with it  The people just didn't want it anymore.  It holds our treasures from our travels as well as blankets for curling up on our couch.  The large flat drawers hold big sheets of paper for the kids to do crafts.  It is a very useful piece of furniture!

-Ever notice those strip malls that constantly have businesses move in and out?  Drive by one when a business is leaving and go around back.  Drive by the dumpster.  What do you think these spa's and restaurants do with everything in the space when they leave?  Or when a new place moves in, they remodel and throw out all of the old decorations.  About 6 months ago a place next-door to our gym was leaving.  It was a spa.  I happen to drive behind the building and there next to the dumpster was this....  Yes a huge ironwork. It was fun getting it into my car, but I wasn't going to leave it behind.    I made sure the photo had the double doors in it so you can see how huge it is. (And yes, I have huge trees in my house as well)

-Do you live in an apartment complex?  Do you know someone who does? What do you think happens when people move into and out an apartment?  What do they do with their extra furniture?  Put it by the dumpster.  Find out what days the complex has move in and move out.  Usually it is the 1st of each month.  We were moving out of our apartment into our house and I saw this dresser.  It is beautiful!  It is a project for my daughters room.  Wait till you see what it turns into!  That will be a future blog post.

-Does your neighborhood have a community yard sale?  Go around with flyers and give them to each person having the yard sale who has stuff you might want.  It's OK to be picky.  The flyers can advertise that for free you will take all of the items they have left to the local charity or the transfer station.  (For us, we are allowed 2 trips per month to our local transfer station.) You would be surprised to find out that many people just throw everything away.  They have worked so hard on the yard sale they don't want to haul it away.  You can take the clothes to a charity and the larger items to the transfer station. (aka the dump)  You will put in some sweat, but your neighbors will appreciate it and you can ask them if they mind if you take a few things to keep.   This nice little pillar was such a find.  It looks great now with a can of free spray paint from our local environmental center.  (Normally a large potted plant sits on it.)

So there are a few tips on how to get things for free.  Some people may roll their eyes and say 'That is just to much work!!'.  If you say that, then you probably have enough money to buy what you want.  Again, this is for someone who doesn't mind putting in a bit of effort and a little gas money.  Best of all it works with any schedule.

Happy Hunting!!!

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